For Openers

Headed South

Yes perverts, I know, we all want to feel her smooth panties

We had never considered the laundry room as a spanking location. A reader shared that they use it as it provides some privacy from the kids. Now I see photos of laundry rooms all the time.

Do you suppose this might be her girlhood paddle?

She seems surprised

Two or More Bottoms

Sunflowers with two daisies

I think this was taken at the Valley of Fire SP in Nevada

Buns in front of the grill and buns on the grill

I love it

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Lee Roberts
Lee Roberts
July 27, 2024 6:25 am

I like the last one the best and if I ever did that, my wife would believe I was asking for more and would immediately provide more even if I had just been joking.

July 27, 2024 8:04 am

> Do you suppose this might be her girlhood paddle?

She posted this pic on Twitter complaining that her dad had just spanked her with it.

So . . . yes!

July 27, 2024 8:29 pm
Reply to  Bogey

I did not see the original tweet. I did, however, see a screenshot of it on Tumblr. I believe she deleted the original because it garnered exactly the response you’d think it would.

July 27, 2024 5:03 pm

This is a paddle well applied giving just the right color and a surprising amount of sting!

The one before definitely looks as if it was found during an attic clean up day and “Dad” applied it one last time. The look is: “Oh yes I remember that….Owwchhh!!! But uhhh, don’t throw it out yet.”

The last one screams….”Is that all you got?” Would love to have seen the reaction that followed!

As usual, Thanks Bogey!!