This a follow on post to the Granny Panty post last week. Bacall always likes to start her spanking in panties.

Bacall’s fav position – knelling on a couch.

See through panties at a friends home

The Needles District at Canyonlands NP. She is as colorful as the rocks.

Bendover Rock at the Alabama Hills in California

Here’s the naughty girl bent over the couch in our RV. This and the next two I found on a bdsmlr site with no watermark and the year it was taken. I was very careless.

Merry Christmas

A friend’s paddle used on Bacall’s spanking slip in some motel in Florida before I got fat.

Not Bacall

Complete Bliss

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August 5, 2024 8:06 am

Yum!… Pantie day! You two simply had too much fun! Love the outdoor shots in the wild. I think Bacall has it right, a good spanking is liking opening a present; half the fun is just unwrapping it. The last gal does look as though she’s savoring the moment. Might not last though, his hand is near as big as her tiny butt!

August 5, 2024 8:39 pm

These are so authentic! Thank you for posting

August 6, 2024 10:00 am

Bogey I love these pics because they are so real. They remind me of a hike my wife and I took up in the Laurel mountains about 10 years ago. As we stopped at a scenic overlook, I noticed with a grin that we were all alone. Unbeknownst to my wife, I had slipped one of our paddles into my daypack. I found a well placed log, sat down and beckoned to her to get across my knee. Of course, she is a spanko, so I didn’t have to ask twice.

Unlike with Bacall, I lowered both jeans and panties and gave her a dozen swats on the bare. We both laughed, and I let her up. I had just put away the paddle in time to hear in the distance another couple coming up the trail. We were hidden so we couldn’t bee seen, but Im not sure if the sounds didn’t travel.

Anyway, we smiled and exchanged pleasantries as they passed on by. We have talked, and laughed about that day on the trail so many times ever since.

Thanks for teasing my memory.

August 6, 2024 12:30 pm
Reply to  Bogey

As I read this over, I missed the most important question: So, what did you chat about? 😉

August 6, 2024 12:12 pm
Reply to  Bogey

Right on!! Too many spend too many years chasing the wrong thing. Make memories whenever you can.