How Bacall Likes To Be Paddled

How I like to be spanked is simple. I like to have time to think about the spanking, get my mind into the process, anticipate it. Usually, I like the spanking to be the day after I ask for it or the day after Bogey suggests it. Since we spank for fun and as a sexual turn-on, I like to dress in pretty/sexy underwear, something that will makes me feel good and that is pleasing to the spanker. We have bought a lot of underwear for these occasions. 
I have my favorite paddles that I like used on me. Once, I only liked leather paddles, but somewhere along the way, I found some wood paddles that I like. My very favorite is a small paddle with holes in it. Then, I decided that I needed to experience the “Teacher’s Paddle”. I like that also. On one of our trips several years ago, we were in an area where Myrtlewood trees grow. Of course, we just had to buy a Myrtlewood paddle. It’s pretty, but not my favorite as it’s thick and a bit thuddy. On our last trip to Oregon, Bogey bought a thin piece of Myrtlewood and made a paddle. I like it a lot. It all sting, but not over-powering. 
A few of my favorite things 
The holey paddle, the teacher’s assistant and the ever stingy red paddle 
The new thin Myrtlewood paddle 
I like being paddled with my knees on the sofa and my arms on the back. One of my favorite places to be paddled is in the woodshed. Of course, the weather has to be right for that. My very favorite place is in our motorhome looking at beautiful scenery while my bottom is getting warmed.
I like a slow buildup. I can take more pops if it starts out slow. I like a sensual spanking. Also, I like what we call a “good girl spanking”. That is when I get spanked exactly the way I want it. When I really get into the spanking, I like for Bogey to use our red paddle. It is our oldest paddle, but it has a lot of sting! Also I don’t need a lot of paddle pops.
On very rare occasions, I get into a submissive role. When this happens, I wear my submissive outfit, black lace panties and bra and a black lace half-slip. I want Bogey to use the wrist and ankle cuffs, spreader bar and totally take charge. This can happen because he knows what I like and I know that I am safe with him.
When I Am The Spanker:
Once again, this is for fun and a sexual turn-on. I try to spank the way the spankee wants it. Bogey doesn’t want a warmup, so I just start applying the pops. It’s definitely wood paddles for him. I do want to please him, so I try to do that. I must admit that I don’t care for some of the things that he likes, so he doesn’t get that as often as he likes – he has to remind me what he wants. The problem is he doesn’t always want to have to tell me what he wants, whereas, I have no problem saying what I want. 
I love hearing the stinging sounds of the paddle when it hits his bottom. He gets pops and rubs during his paddling. On rare occasions, he lets me paddle him hard and fast with the red paddle. I know this is not his favorite, but it puts a big smile on my face. I also get a big smile when I know that I am giving him what he wants. I also like to wear clothes that I think are pleasing – something sexy. Regular street clothes would be a turn-off for both of us.
In summary:
Neither of us are into discipline nor do we have to create a reason for the paddling. I don’t need a “daddy” and he doesn’t need a “mommy”. That’s just us. (We are fine with whatever turns others on.) We both like role play and it is always adult/adult roles. I am sorry to say we don’t do role play enough and I don’t know why. It’s just the way things happen.
As I write this, I am still going to physical therapy because of my fractured wrist. I’ve tried to paddle Bogey a couple of times, but I know that the pops are on the light side. Also after about 4 – 6 pops, my wrist hurts. I guess I am not able to get into the complete paddling mood. Something in my brain is not connecting to my bottom! We will both be very happy when this is over – maybe a mutual paddling session for us.8
Since the Christmas season is here, I like to wear red panties and bras. Bogey has a pair of silk Christmas underwear that I have him wear. The backside is Santa’s bottom bent-over, so it makes a perfect target for me.