For Openers

Headed South

Yes perverts, I know, we all want to feel her smooth panties

We had never considered the laundry room as a spanking location. A reader shared that they use it as it provides some privacy from the kids. Now I see photos of laundry rooms all the time.

Do you suppose this might be her girlhood paddle?

She seems surprised

Two or More Bottoms

Sunflowers with two daisies

I think this was taken at the Valley of Fire SP in Nevada

Buns in front of the grill and buns on the grill

I love it

How Did We Become Fascinated With Bottoms? Like a lot of things, it comes from the Prime Imperative – Procreation.

I saw an X profile where she described herself as Pygophiliac – which is sexual arousal from seeing or touching the buttocks of another person. This led to my Goggling the word  which turned up this from Wikipedia.

In humans, females generally have more round and voluptuous buttocks, caused by estrogen that encourages the body to store fat in the buttocks, hips, and thighs. Testosterone discourages fat storage in these areas. The buttocks in human females thus contain more adipose tissue than in males, especially after pubertyEvolutionary psychologists suggest that rounded buttocks may have evolved as a desirable trait because they provide a visual indication of the woman’s youth and fertility. They signal the presence of estrogen and the presence of sufficient fat stores for pregnancy and lactation. Additionally, the buttocks give an indication of the shape and size of the pelvis, which impacts reproductive capability. Since development and pronunciation of the buttocks begins at menarche and declines with age, full buttocks are also a symbol of youth.[1]

Biological anthropologist Helen B. Fisher said that “perhaps, the fleshy, rounded buttocks attracted males during rear-entry intercourse“.[3] In a 2017 study, using 3D models and eye-tracking technology, Fisher’s claim was tested and was shown that the slight thrusting out of a woman’s back influences how attractive others perceive her to be and captures the gaze of both men and women.[4][5] Bobbi S. Low et al. said that the female buttocks “evolved in the context of females competing for the attention and parental commitment of powerful resource-controlling males” as an “honest display of fat reserves” that could not be confused with another type of tissue, although Tim M. Caro rejected that as being a necessary conclusion, stating that female fatty deposits on the hips improve individual fitness of the female, regardless of sexual selection.[6]

Do ya feel like spanking a bottom? Perhaps procreating Doggy style?

Bacall wrote this in 1997

He showed me the program he had downloaded, Six-of-the-Best, written by a British chap, George Ware. It was oriented towards getting strokes from a headmistress/master, but it solved the dilemma of how many licks quite well and from an unconcerned third party. I liked that. After the program determined the number of licks, it concluded with a very stern British lady saying “Very well, bend over”.

I knew I would put this to good use very soon. Most of our spanking play happens on weekends, after breakfast, showers and coffee. Saturday was far too hectic and so it was Sunday until we had some time to play. I told him before we got up that he was going to get his bottom paddled right after lunch. I reminded him several times during the morning. After breakfast, we did a little yard work and then went in to shower and clean up. He likes to wear panties when he is going to be paddled, I have bought him several pairs for the purpose. Sometimes, when he returns from the shower he finds a pair of panties on the bed that I have laid out for him to wear. I didn’t do that this time. I was only mildly surprised when he came into my bathroom and told me I was going to be really mad when I saw the panties he was wearing. He wiggled his bottom at me – I gave him a playful swat on his jeans. He left and I dried my hair.

When I was ready, I found him in the office and told him it was time for his paddling and I wanted to use Six-of-the-Best. He started the program. He must have been feeling bulletproof, as he clicked the “Tough Butt” button twice, thus increasing the number of licks he was going to get. He appealed his sentence three times, costing him 5 licks for each appeal, and then he got a surprise, the program had warned him to remember the headmistress’s name, but when it asked for her name he could not recall it, so he was awarded an extra six licks. All total, he was going to get 38, a little more than I usually give him.

I sent him to get the paddle from the closet. This paddle is like the ones that were once found in so many principals’ offices. [So you can guess what we call it] When he returned with it, I gave my best impersonation of a British headmistress as I said “Very well, bend over”. He laid over the large desk and gripped the opposite edge. I pulled the paddle back and brought it down with more force than I ever have. As I said, the audio in the program had really inspired me. I gave him five more and told him to stand up and take his jeans down. Now I really had to laugh, he was wearing a pair of my floral print panties. He had never done this before. All the panties he had worn before had been solid colored and very plain. I told him he would be very sorry he had put them on and told him to “Bend over”. He did and I put the paddle to his pantied-clad bottom 24 times.

When he got up, I could tell he had really felt them. But, he still had another eight licks coming. I told him to follow me. Holding his jeans up, he followed me down the steps, through the den, down the hall, and into our bedroom. I got out the cherry paddle. It is 3/8 inch in an oval shape that fits his fanny just right and stings like a swarm of bees. [I know!] I told him to pull the panties down and bend over the bed. He did. His bottom was bright-bright red and was now going to feel the cherry paddle on his bare bottom. I stood to his side and laid on eight hard licks in quick-time. I was somewhat surprised that he was able to take them so well. With his paddling over, it was time for fun for me!

Fetish wear is not required

For Openers

 This is the girl next door

I could say this post has a certain number of images, but some reader would count them and point out that one or more was missing. So I will just say that you get 111% more pictures on OBB. That, fractured English and things that excite me all in one place. Now look at the gal above again.

This dress screams to me, Paddle Her. Paddle her in her dress

Hot Bottoms panties must be a top-seller

While I like sexy lingerie, plain white panties are exciting to me.

Bacall and I love to hear the crack of a paddle on tight jeans

Is it me or does holding them by the arm and spanking always get more of a reaction?

Poor girl had to expose her titties for the camera

Looks like she was surprised by the paddle. The paddler seems pleased.

Anal Surprise

She was expecting one thing and was surprised when she got the other. Perhaps she should have paid more attention to what he was doing over her phone?

See both gals surprise on: [mp4 files are not allowed here, so I put them on bdsmlr. They are the first two on the site today.]


Do women look better thrusting than men do? In ancient Greece, gender was not a factor. It was the thruster, usually an older male, who was deemed dominant.

Pegging clip on bdsmlr:

For Openers

Winner of the most absurd costume in the pro-spanking category. Girl Guide with USAF insignia.

How to start a party

Girls Look OK With a Dick

American Males Have a Fascination With Japanese Girls Wearing a Sailorette Outfit. I have a Fascination With Her Bottom

Oh look George, Mummy’s canes have arrived by Royal Mail.

For the younger readers, this was a 50’s TV show Ricky spanking Lucy

Here She is Again. I Guess I Believe in Unicorns. Fantastic Bottom.

Sidney Sweeny

I posted a dozen or so photographs of Gals Flashing here.

Admin note: I have not heard of any access problems in the last two weeks. As far as I know, this site can be accessed by any device using any browser as long as the full URL is used: 

A reader across the pond clued me about a way to use a shorter URL [] I looked into it and when I feel I can do it with fear of introducing another problem I will give a whirl.

In my work life, I always had a test system where new code could be evaluated.

If you are having access issues drop a comment. What device and browser you are using.


I never experienced a sandal. My mother rarely spanked and when she did it was with a belt or switch. I thought I was going to “get it” once when a friend’s Mom caught us smoking. She tuned him up. I listened and thought I would be next. Might not have been bad, she was a sexy-looking second wife.

Sandals are damn handy. Always at the ready, like carrying a weapon. A summer outfit of sundress and wooden souled sandals. She undoes your shorts with practiced efficiency, pulls your underwear down, bends you over a table, and gets busy on you. Your bottom and thighs are fair game.

Or it could happen like this. She puts you in statin panties and spanks you OTK. Trip over to OBB BDSMLR if you want the see that clip.

For Openers

Women don’t hold back one bit

This guy is older than me and gets work spanking young gals

Erotic Spanking is the Best

I Guess They Went Out to Pick Flowers

For Us Old Guys That Like Lingerie

You never know what you will find here. I sure don’t.

This is an article on spanking. Nothing special in it. The source surprised me.

Fox on Sex: Please, Ma’am, May I Have Another? Spanking 101

I have not had time to listen to any of these podcasts. Maybe they will interest you.

The Art of Erotic Spanking

You will need a bdsmlr account to see all of this.

Traditional Americana

I enjoy his podcasts. Some says he talks too much.

Never Too Old For Agoodspankin

A Switchy Couple

Hippo And Flamingo

A song banned in 1972

Don’t Hide Your Stiffy

Who’s Fucking

Girls Gone Wild. Warning girls giggling

Girls get out porn star’s big cock at party