Being spanked by another woman or a couple is a hot scene for us. We have been fortunate to have had two women who enjoyed switching with us. Long weekends with three always hot bottoms. No need to stay dressed, just pad around in your panties. Everyone spanks everyone else. Fun, fun, fun.

We also played with two switchy couples. We tried with one couple several times, but it never worked. The talk was good, but the execution was poor. We did better with the other couple, but silly me took control and said how we would play. Twice! A mistake. I should have left it up to the girls.

There are very few pictures on the web showing a couple being spanked together. But, here are a few to show that I am not the only one with this interest.

I believe that is Kelly Payne giving a couple some needed attention.

I really like this picture

My Favorite

Would you like to be in their place?

scha·​den·​freu·​de – enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others

Schadenfreude is a combination of the German nouns Schaden, meaning “damage” or “harm,” and Freude, meaning “joy.” So it makes sense that schadenfreude means joy over some harm or misfortune suffered by another.

I recall a party when Bill asked me to come with him to watch while he paddled Tam. I never asked if it was Bill’s or Tam’s idea to have her paddling witnessed. I suspect it was Bill who was delightfully evil.

This reminds me that I have a sequence of pictures of Sharon being switched outdoors in full view of everyone. I should post them.

It’s not legal to use a cell phone while driving as it is distracting. Is it legal to give a handjob to the driver while in motion? I would wager every reader got one before there were cell phones. I have no idea what Gen Z does.

For Openers

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Position Assumed

Well Spanked

Love the follow throughNot her first rodeo

Switched in the ForestDollars to Donuts she asked for this


PaddledTries to shake off the sting



For Openers

In the forest

In the office

This looks like and spanks like Kelly Payne. I have never seen her photographed except in her home.

I might have spanked someone on a picnic table

I think this is the Good Spanking guy

Just enough sass to make it fun for me

I like the couple well dressed. No sweats, ball caps, etc

As seen on spankedhortic

As seen on spankedhortic All that is needed is another six on each leg

Several switches used together create excitement

Welcome to World of AI

Where you can have hair of any color, boobs just your way

Mom’s Being Assertive

Are all women with pigtails named Heidi?


What happened to these useful zipper skirts?

I Recall the Groping Days – they were filled with passion

Jean Shorts

Blonde in White Jeans

Just Plain Jeans

Before I begin this rant, you should know I have accumulated 173 pictures of schoolgirls.

For every girl that was paddled at school, there have been 3,602,433 pictures taken depicting a schoolgirl being paddled. The pictures don’t reflect reality. They were not paddled on the bare bottom and they did not have their tops removed. A rare event turned into porn.

The number one absurd reason for being paddled in the videos is being late for cheerleader practice.

Implausible: Boobs exposed for a paddling in the school office.

Overdone: Schoolgirl outfits

A lot of women have a short pleated skirt in their closet. They wear them to Halloween parties. They never wore them to school. I don’t get the near universal appeal. 

One woman wrote me: The urge to wear one, I think it’s much greater in those of us into spankings mainly because a skirt and white panties have been ingrained in us as the ‘spanking outfit’ forever. It has become the de facto ‘schoolgirl’ look, and skirts and panties also make it very easy to bare our bottoms, and we usually look rather delightful bent over a desk and bare. Beth

I been talking with a chap across the pond who knows both spanking party organizers and the women who hire out for them. These parties are different from any I have been to. The men pay a fee and get to express their desires of what kind of gals they expect at the party. The organizers are continually overwhelmed with requests for schoolgirls. The models are beyond tired of all that.

At our parties, there were no fees. The gals wore what they pleased. One time they coordinated and wore schoolgirl outfits. Another time it was black lingerie with garterbelt and stockings.

By mentioning black lingerie above, it allows me to insert four examples.

AI gives us more schoolgirls

As she departed from Miss Hart’s study, carrying her skirt and feeling wave after wave of heat pulsing through her smarting bottom, Melissa realized that referring to the P.E. Mistress as a “grumpy old trout” had been a grievous error of judgment!

And while I am on a rant, enough with spankings in the kitchen and bathroom. There are other more appropriate rooms.

A bit of humor from my UK correspondent: Long ago I knew a chap who took delight in telling everyone that his very attractive wife put on a school uniform, which lead to some gentle spanking as a prelude to sex. I always wondered why she never looked embarrassed by the revelation. Clarity dawned when the local press carried a story that this same lady had regular trysts on company premises with several directors of her employer. It involved school uniform, spanking, and the inevitable ‘intimacy’. Was it revenge for his lack of discretion? We never knew.