For Openers

Headed South

Yes perverts, I know, we all want to feel her smooth panties

We had never considered the laundry room as a spanking location. A reader shared that they use it as it provides some privacy from the kids. Now I see photos of laundry rooms all the time.

Do you suppose this might be her girlhood paddle?

She seems surprised

Two or More Bottoms

Sunflowers with two daisies

I think this was taken at the Valley of Fire SP in Nevada

Buns in front of the grill and buns on the grill

I love it

For Openers

 This is the girl next door

I could say this post has a certain number of images, but some reader would count them and point out that one or more was missing. So I will just say that you get 111% more pictures on OBB. That, fractured English and things that excite me all in one place. Now look at the gal above again.

This dress screams to me, Paddle Her. Paddle her in her dress

Hot Bottoms panties must be a top-seller

While I like sexy lingerie, plain white panties are exciting to me.

Bacall and I love to hear the crack of a paddle on tight jeans

Is it me or does holding them by the arm and spanking always get more of a reaction?

Poor girl had to expose her titties for the camera

For Openers

Women don’t hold back one bit

This guy is older than me and gets work spanking young gals

Erotic Spanking is the Best

I Guess They Went Out to Pick Flowers

For Us Old Guys That Like Lingerie

Panties Headed South

Isn’t She Hot to Trot

Some Men Like Fetish Wear (me? Nah)

This would my fantasy spanker

Oow that stung, but she liked it

When red turns white

I was over 40 when I found out that whipping a pussy felt good. They missed a lot of topics in Sex Ed.

The Teacher None of Us Had

Always a sucker for a see-through blouse with a dark bra. After importuning, err begging, Bacall would wear them – sometimes.

I could not come up with a caption. You?

Spanking a wet bottom stings more. The best way is to get in the shower together. Aim the water on her bottom and paddle away fast and furious. She will not forget it.

It was not like this for me. He would excuse his secretary when he was going to paddle me. It was still embarrassing. She would wiggle her cute bottom out the door and then I would stretch out across his desk.

scha·​den·​freu·​de – enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others

Schadenfreude is a combination of the German nouns Schaden, meaning “damage” or “harm,” and Freude, meaning “joy.” So it makes sense that schadenfreude means joy over some harm or misfortune suffered by another.

I recall a party when Bill asked me to come with him to watch while he paddled Tam. I never asked if it was Bill’s or Tam’s idea to have her paddling witnessed. I suspect it was Bill who was delightfully evil.

This reminds me that I have a sequence of pictures of Sharon being switched outdoors in full view of everyone. I should post them.

For Openers

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Position Assumed

Well Spanked

Love the follow throughNot her first rodeo

Switched in the ForestDollars to Donuts she asked for this


PaddledTries to shake off the sting



For Openers

In the forest

In the office

This looks like and spanks like Kelly Payne. I have never seen her photographed except in her home.

I might have spanked someone on a picnic table

I think this is the Good Spanking guy

Just enough sass to make it fun for me

I like the couple well dressed. No sweats, ball caps, etc

As seen on spankedhortic

As seen on spankedhortic All that is needed is another six on each leg

Several switches used together create excitement

Foreword – I have ADD and that means all my memories are incomplete. ADD folks don’t record everything, just flashes of events. If you fan a deck of cards you will get a glimpse of some of the cards. You might see a black King but can not tell if it is a spade or club. Many of the cards will not be recognized. That’s the way ADD types store memories.

Why Do You Spank? It could be like Hank William’s song Family Traditions.

I have mentioned several times here that I spanked all/most [choose one, I don’t recall] of my dates in HS. I did not have a clue about spanking. They got sassy, challenged me and I spanked them. It just seemed the natural thing to do. They considered it fun. I never thought beforehand about spanking them. I had no sexual fantasies about spanking.

It became sexual after the spanking. Her dress/skirt up, her bottom on view, what was a teenage boy supposed to d0. Would she have allowed me to reveal her charms making out on the first date. Probably not. But, it was somehow OK because it was required for a spanking.

So there she was, exposed, submissive and receptive to fondling.

Were any of them accustomed to being spanked? I don’t ever recall asking. But, they were not strangers to the practice.

Were teenage girls universally sassy with their dates? You tell me.  Did they push their boyfriends to see his reaction? Were they secretly happy by how hard he got?

Due to ADD I can not relate with any specificity how the spankings played out. How many spanks? Not many, probably ten or so with my hand. There might be a second round if she continued with her sass. It usually did on the next date.

I was 19 when a switch flipped and I consciously plotted to spank and wanted to be spanked.

While the motivation for spanking during HS was quasi punishment, as a young adult it was for pleasure. Initially mine and gradually hers as I learned women could get just arroused as I did from a spanking.

Every reader here probably a slightly different reason for their passion for spanking. I wonder how much our reason was influenced by fictional spanking stories and some absurd video plots.

For me, when the gal is giving me sass while I am spanking her, it takes me back to HS days.


What Got You Started Spanking?

Not related to this post, except for memories. It’s before my time, but I have always liked it.

Bob Hope and Rosemary Clooney doing Hope’s theme song, Thanks for the Memories


For Openers

I did not spank a single one of these women. Damnit.

I have probably posted the next four before. I call them spanked happy.

Most of the following images are of the girl next door