This post is intended to be humorous.

I saw this picture and just had to share. 

I like the juxtaposition of her pearls and the the yellow gloves. It reminds of a male sub story I read years ago. He was allowed to cum once a year. She put on yellow gloves and rubbed his johnson for one minute while he bent over the commode. It didn’t matter if he came or not, after one minute he was done for another year.

Continuing with things that have nothing to do with the above picture.

Bacall’s good friend Bill was quite creative. He gave her a safe word. It was I want to clean the house. They both knew she was stubborn and would never say it, so it was perfect to get her bottom well toasted. Bacall is known for I’ll be damned if you will.

I saw the fire in her eyes the first time I saw her. I was working in Men’s clothes at department store. When this store had a sale there was little standing room. She was standing with her hands on her hips not well enduring waiting. I told my friend, that one is for me. Miss Defiant got her first adult spanking at 25 on our second date. A case of my will and her will.


The ever lovely Bacall enjoying life

One evening Bacall was being flogged (breasts only) before an audience of a dozen or so friends. Her eyes showed extreme excitement. I could not image it coming from the flogging. Bill sat next to me and explained the mystery. He had put a butterfly vibrator on her and the remote was in his suit pocket. Well, another man might have been angry
And another man might have been hurt
. I thanked him f0r making her happy. I am grinning now as I relate this story.

Bill died at 52 from stomach cancer. We miss the Command Master Chief.


A reader sent me this picture of Jamaica Bay near JFK airport. I know next to nothing about New York City, but this picture shows a side not commonly seen. That’s Freedom Tower on the right. The bay southwest of JFK is a haven for water fowl.

A reader asked if I could make the text darker. This is the best WP offers. I hope it works for him.


One of my fav lines I took off for the sky

You see she was gonna be an actress
And I was gonna learn to fly
She took off to find the footlights
And I took off for the sky

And here, she’s acting happy
Inside her handsome home
And me, I’m flying in my taxi
Taking tips and getting stoned

I go flying so high, when I’m stoned


We visited some RV pals in Nevada. Just down from their home was a brothel. They suggested we take the tour. And so we did. All the girls stood in a line and I picked this leggy one to give us the tour.

Now wouldn’t it be fun to pick your spanker by having them all line up for you? And yes, paddles were sale.

There will be three, or more, posts where you may vote for your fav spanker. Then there will be a final with the top ten vote-getters.

The images shown where you vote are too darn small, so here they are full size. Be sure to vote by clicking on one of the choices below at the bottom of this post.

One of the great Southern Rock bands performing their classic, Freebird, in 1977 in Oakland.

Early on, their manager put them in a small Georgia town, Macon, a place with few distractions to work on their act. He arranged for a meat and three restaurant within walking distance from their house to feed them three squares a day.

The keyboardist, Billy Powell, had been a roadie with the band for two years. During a break at one event, Powell sat down at a piano and played a song. When the band realized their roadie’s ability, he was offered the position of keyboardist.

Notice the fresh faced Little Darlings at the fence line. How long do you imagine the band would stay alive if they were dropped into their midst?

It’s not legal to use a cell phone while driving as it is distracting. Is it legal to give a handjob to the driver while in motion? I would wager every reader got one before there were cell phones. I have no idea what Gen Z does.


Jennifer Love Hewitt would brighten up my mornings

Never played this kind of poker

Showtime in front of the mirror I can watch you watching me, with a smile on your face and a bulge in your pants.

Will you look at how off level the hot water tank is

Out For a Walk

A reader comment got me thinking about paddlings that we thought were fun, but some could see them as Schadenfreude – one of those $50 dollar words.

schadenfreude /shäd′n-froi″də/
  1. Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.
  2. Malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else’s misfortune.
  3. Delight in another person’s misfortune.

As with most things of this period, it started with my self-declared nieces. There were four of them. In simple terms, they were there to be paddled. I was appointed as the non-nonsense Uncle to lay the paddle on them.

At their whim, additional nieces could be added. Bacall was a special case, she could be a niece or their Aunt depending on the phase of the moon. She could be masterfully, but never successfully, defend herself or she could turn a nieces bottom red.

It started months before. One niece would start a story and sent along to another niece who extended the story, perhaps in a different direction. Before it was through every female in the county was accused of misdeeds.

As  those charged with a crime would be paddled, they would throw others under the bus.

If only we had recorded the dialog. It was a hoot. No one laughed longer or louder then me. It was a fun way to spend an afternoon.

Here are some examples of schadenfreude. Just imagine a few more gals watching and grinning,

Tell me the times ain’t changing

Bacall told me this long ago

I had heard of a Queening chair, but I did not know their use. They will be in every home soon as muff diving is getting so popular.

A reader favored us with this toon

A reader wrote that they use their laundry room to get some privacy from their kids. A day after that I started seeing laundry room pictures.

So far only 5% of the readers have found the new site. I’m thinking most of missing 95% were lurkers, so the loss is not as great as the stats indicate.


Posting bits of this and that today that interest me. I hope you find some pleasure in them..

There is a Like button, there should also be a Suxs button. Of course, you are welcome to make a comment on the advisability of such posts.

For Openers

AI at Burning Man

These AI images are getting real. The caption for this one was Are you actually going to spank us on our bare bottoms… again? Do you promise?!  Do you have a thing for gals in short pleated skirts?

This has been going on at Burning Man since the first one in the desert in 1991. 

Proof the Earth is Not Flat

Thigh Fry – Now that her thighs are stingy the spanking can start.

Party Time

My First Dick

Ideal Outfit for Housework

Hey Sweetie, I will just slip in here. No wonder women think men are weird.