Foreword – I have ADD and that means all my memories are incomplete. ADD folks don’t record everything, just flashes of events. If you fan a deck of cards you will get a glimpse of some of the cards. You might see a black King but can not tell if it is a spade or club. Many of the cards will not be recognized. That’s the way ADD types store memories.

Why Do You Spank? It could be like Hank William’s song Family Traditions.

I have mentioned several times here that I spanked all/most [choose one, I don’t recall] of my dates in HS. I did not have a clue about spanking. They got sassy, challenged me and I spanked them. It just seemed the natural thing to do. They considered it fun. I never thought beforehand about spanking them. I had no sexual fantasies about spanking.

It became sexual after the spanking. Her dress/skirt up, her bottom on view, what was a teenage boy supposed to d0. Would she have allowed me to reveal her charms making out on the first date. Probably not. But, it was somehow OK because it was required for a spanking.

So there she was, exposed, submissive and receptive to fondling.

Were any of them accustomed to being spanked? I don’t ever recall asking. But, they were not strangers to the practice.

Were teenage girls universally sassy with their dates? You tell me.  Did they push their boyfriends to see his reaction? Were they secretly happy by how hard he got?

Due to ADD I can not relate with any specificity how the spankings played out. How many spanks? Not many, probably ten or so with my hand. There might be a second round if she continued with her sass. It usually did on the next date.

I was 19 when a switch flipped and I consciously plotted to spank and wanted to be spanked.

While the motivation for spanking during HS was quasi punishment, as a young adult it was for pleasure. Initially mine and gradually hers as I learned women could get just arroused as I did from a spanking.

Every reader here probably a slightly different reason for their passion for spanking. I wonder how much our reason was influenced by fictional spanking stories and some absurd video plots.

For me, when the gal is giving me sass while I am spanking her, it takes me back to HS days.


What Got You Started Spanking?

Not related to this post, except for memories. It’s before my time, but I have always liked it.

Bob Hope and Rosemary Clooney doing Hope’s theme song, Thanks for the Memories


The other day, A reader’s comment on a gals bottom that had been the recipient of a big paddle got me thinking about two gals I paddled for years.

They were both petite. They were both a size 2. Both had cute butts. Both loved hard paddlings. I think they could have been paddled all day and not be satiated. They never asked me for mercy. Bacall could have them both begging in short order. Bacall can lay it on, but I think it was more that they would never give in to a man, but they lost nothing yielding to a woman.

Sharon   (*)                                          Debbie

I recall paying Paddle Party with Debbie. I got out all of our paddles and put them on the credenza. I asked her to pick her poison. Without hesitation, she selected the biggest one. It’s the third from the left. Interestingly, it was a gift from Sharon. While it was long and thick, it was not mean. It had way more thud than sting. I suppose in her mind taking the biggest paddle was like conquering a mountain.


Sharon                                                             Debbie


Sharon                                                                          Debbie

Early on, I was walking with Sharon to her cabin to cane her. She took the cane and showed off her baton twirling skills. Right there I knew a cane was not going to intimidate her.

Bacall put Sharon over the spanking bench and in short order Sharon determined her long term health would benefit by quitting smoking. She never smoked again.


  • footnote, that’s not me. It’s fellow with a Q clearance. If you know what that is, it means he had a lot to lose if outed. It makes me giggle when folks tell me that they have to be carful for fear of losing their jobs. Our spanking group was safe for the women and secure for all.

I don’t know what you think about the scrumptious posterior on the masthead.  It makes me think about an attractive gal I saw with her hands on her hips, probably tapping her foot, not patiently, and certainly not submissively, waiting for someone to attend to her. I am all about attending and this one looked like a challenge. My friend and I were finishing up a sale at the cash drawer. I pointed her out to him and headed over. That’s when I found she had a bubble butt that I wanted to grab and squeeze. She instantly had my interest in demeanor and appearance.

She had come to the store on a big sale day. When this store had a sale it was an event. The floor was packed with customers. She wanted to buy a suit for her younger brother and I wanted to spank her. I purposely mismarked the collar so they would have to make an extra trip. The tailor ticket had her phone number on it. And that my friends is how we met.

I called her, we dated, she was rockily engaged to a Navy Lieutenant and his ship was in the Med. Her bottom proved glorious and looked just like the one at the top of the page. We were taken with each other. The deal was sealed one rainy humid afternoon in Tidwell Hall. We caught each others eyes across the sea of fellow students and were engaged shortly after that.

A few years later

A reader commented about the conversations he would have with women he might meet. I thought it was a good topic for a post and he favored us with this.
My first meeting 30 years ago was with a woman who advertised in the Shadow Lane Personals publication.
Once I decided to explore this side of my sexuality, I  put together an intro letter and sent it out to 10 or 12 ads in my area.  Her ad explained she was not looking for sex, just a friend who she could share her fascination with spanking with. She mentioned hand spanking to start, maybe a hairbrush could come out someday.
I flew into JFK, and she met me at the airport. We had a 3-hour lunch someplace on a side street in  Manhattan. Those 3 hours went by so fast I could hardly believe it.  Then we visited an adult store off of Broadway called Kinematics. We were like kids in a candy store.
 Neither one of us had been with anyone who understood our sexuality before, and I remember the feeling was exquisite.  She teased me off and on that day, and we topped it off with the first actual consensual spanking either of us had ever experienced.  At the time, I had a Nu-west hairbrush which I bought in anticipation of us getting together and after a while she wanted to  feel the brush too. Of course I was ever so willing to make good on her request.
 It was a heady feeling to finally be in the moment.  During these encounters, she loved the idea of being “taken in hand” and spanked no role-play needed.  Although it  was obvious we were both aroused, we both agreed there was a hard limit at sex. We played 2 or 3 times a year for over 20 years, She passed away a few years ago, and I feel sad sometimes that I lost a very close friend like no other.
Most one-on-one meetings I had were like that. No real role-play, but very sore bottoms afterward along with a warmth that was palatable.  As you know, spankings can go on for a very long time from warm up  thru progression of  implements. I was always cognizant of the shade of red and considered it to be the Top’s responsibility to stop. There were many times I stopped at the disappointment of  whomever I was spanking.  So, no blood red bottoms for me either.
I also played with several women who  loved to email me the start to a storyline, and I would pick it up from there, and send back the next chapter.  IE: pulled over for speeding or over spending a credit card etc etc. These were always fun because once the story got started, it took on a life of its own. I always thought of these as extensions of Will Henry’s books, or the Sassy Ladies books that  came out in the 90’s. Heck, even Ed Lee had some good  story lines. It was all part of a fun game. Occasionally, they included some simple rope bondage ,and other toys which made the whole thing even more sexy.
The one thing I  never ran into was REAL punishment spankings. It just never came up. I think the reason is there is a level of disappointment, or disrespect  that has to be present. We were always too  busy having too much  fun to go there.
 Spanking parties were completely different. The ones I went to had hundreds of people coming and “playing” was the reason you went. There were dance cards to fill out and lots of role-play, School girl costumes, and bratting happening.  Unless you played with someone before, there was always a safe word and lots of checking in during a scene. The most important take away I got from these parties was safety. No one wanted to be banned so by far, MOST people followed the rules. The downside was the pace was many times faster  than one-on-one meetings.
One thing you and I  agree on is the feeling after, “the high”, as you called it, when you get that hug after and maybe a whisper in the ear saying, ” Thank you  that was FUN”

Thanks to an OBB reader for this content

Ad for the Nu West Hair Brush

The reader’s Nu West hairbrush

Brenda Marshall and the  hairbrush in action on Cyndi’s bottom. 

The catalog is too large for WP to display. You can click on the link to download it and then open it.

Nu-west 1982 catalogEd Lee 

Early Nu West photo’s in low budget motel. By the time I saw these photo’s I had spanked several teen girls when I was a teen. But these were exciting to me.

The week before last, for the first time in OBB history, I posted a full-face picture of Bacall and said it was her.  Only two people commented on it. One of them termed it a vintage photo. That’s true, it was taken in early marriage when she was cuter than a speckled pup.

I called Bacall’s attention to the comment and she was non-plussed with the use of vintage and old. The commenter is German and that’s a different culture and that may explain it. Bacall has always thought of herself as a girl and so do her southern friends.

I expressed our feelings about his comment and got this response.

Hi, Bogey,

After our conversation and a little thinking about you and your Bacall, I think of a quote from John Irving – one of my favorite writers – one of his books is about a so-called non-practicing homosexual man (as a symbol of wanting but not being able to act as a gay man). My impression is, that you probably like living in your past memories, because today you’re rather a non-practicing spanker, aren’t you?!

A lot of your thinking and desires apparently revolve around spanking, bare/sore asses and stuff like that – look at your sensual posts with all the women and their reddened buttocks which are unreachable for you. But does it affect your daily life – does it make you happier? Of course, it can make you forget about your pain for an hour or. One the other hand, it reminds me of a hapless search for one’s own virility? Which has probably been lost once and for all due to your bad illnesses such as prostate cancer or knee damage: no boner and no Bacall over your knees. That’s not an accuse, don’t get me wrong, but those are the fleeting memories of the past. Although you give the impression from the outside that it could possibly be different: a seasoned man reports on his latest spanking adventures.

I’m curious to see if your new site will work and what it looks like. In any case, good luck with the design and look forward to new naked, red butts 🙂

Have a good weekend – cheers

He is right. I do relish the memories Bacall and I have made together. Spanking and all the rest. We enjoy looking at the 8,000 or so photographs I took during the 16 years we explored the eleven western states for about six months every year. The pictures evoke lots of pleasurable memories.

It’s also true that I am not spanking as much as I did even three years ago. And I have had zero interest in being spanked. Leukemia flipped several switches on me. I woke up one morning and had no taste for apple juice that I had been enjoying daily for decades. Ditto on wanting be paddled. I wanted it the day bef0re and then no interest. I don’t spank Bacall as often. It’s variable 2 or 3 times a week, then nothing for 2 or 3 weeks.

I was never drawn to making bare/sore asses. My attraction to spanking women was always getting into their minds and spanking them the way they wanted to be spanked. I don’t so miss the actual spanking, I do miss the disrobing. I really miss the long intimate conversations afterwards. Being told things they had never mentioned to anyone else.

Anyway, we have had a good run. We have accepted our limitations. We have our memories. We share them with you here. Doing so is a form of entertainment.

Streisand – The Way We Were

Memory – From Cats

Sinatra – It Was a Very Good Year