There will be three, or more, posts where you may vote for your fav spanker. Then there will be a final with the top ten vote-getters.

The images shown where you vote are too darn small, so here they are full size. Be sure to vote by clicking on one of the choices below at the bottom of this post.

For Openers

What do you feel like doing this afternoon?

She is getting some special tutoring. Pussy whipped.

For the younger readers, this was what a spanking looked like in the 1970’s.

I like getting spanked and I am getting paid to be spanked

Fun, Fun, Fun

I’m Ready. You?

Let’s Get Washed Up for Dinner. Keeping the Bottom Wet Adds Sting

Love to see the bedspread held

Michael got the

– 9-ply, 3/4 inch birch round at the Far Left

– 1/2″ southern pine – Second from the right

– Bakelite hairbrush – the Quiet Queen that burns

We do switch. There’s some ebb and flow to it. My wife likes being spanked but was opposed to spanking until I helped her to see them as “spicy massages.”

When I spank her there’s a strong sexy dominance element but I also have shown her how much I like creating color and seeing her body move, which are things she can appreciate from the giving end.

Continuing to rack up experiences with that round paddle. [a 3/4″ butt pounder] Last night she gave me about 200 medium-strength swats. Feeling it nicely today. The first 70-80 or so are hard to stay still for, but then we settle in and being a guy I’m determined to take whatever she wants to give because I’m just glad she’s into it!

I gave her an incredible belting two nights ago in bed. I keep her close so I can rub between each one. She really likes it and it means I get to spank more before the limit’s hit. Fun for everyone. We’re getting a bit careless with the sounds at night. No one’s scarred, we hope.

On Wed, Nov 22, 2023
You read it right. I am extremely interested in being spanked, to be clear, and I think she looks great holding a paddle whether dressed or no…it’s just a different kind of excitement than the directly sexual.

I liked the round paddle quite a bit. Because it’s shorter and round, she can swing it faster and her arm is light enough that it’s more sting than thud, at least as I’m experiencing it. No soreness the next day but I think she will go longer next time. Hoping that it grows on her as her thing that she can pull out any time to have some fun with me.


I conducted a short interview and we wrote this.

We’ve done a number of spankings with the pine and the round birch paddles. The pine is a lighter paddle with a fantastic sting. Its length lets one cheek be emphasized or both evenly. We typically spank each other bent over our washing machine since it’s the most private area of the house.Our reactions to being spanked with the pine aren’t the same. I like the way the sting makes me quiver. [We thought it was our #1 stinger] My wife says, “I like the way it makes your upper leg muscles move.” It’s fun but I don’t ramp up much beyond that. The weight of the pine is a good fit for my wife’s strength.

She likes the feel of the wood and the weight of the pine once she’s warmed up, but the sting is hard for her if I don’t do the first few right, and that’s after 100 or so hand spanks to warm up.

We’ve tried a couple of short, intense paddlings of her and while it’s really fun to watch her instantly squirm while bent over, she’s done after 15 seconds. The pine paddle is making me a more patient spanker!

The heavier weight and roundness of the birch mean we are spanked with it quite differently. When she’s getting the birch, it’s because I want to give a quiet spanking. I swing it into her slowly to keep the noise down. The fun for her comes from the momentum and not at all the sting.  But it’s still not her favorite. (We have a handled cutting board that is the best at quiet, slow paddling.)

When I’m getting the birch, it’s an intense, deep-hitting spanking. She paddles me almost as fast as with the pine, with the same moderate strength, and with the birch, that means the first several dozen are stingy and intense, and everything after that builds up a heat and sensitivity that encompasses my entire butt and makes me feel highly thankful for her skill and attention!

After spanking, we will chat about how it went. Since we’re in the laundry room, sometimes I push her down onto a pile of clothes and do stuff. If I spanked her long enough, she’s usually ready to go right over the washing machine. Other times we go to bed and do stuff. Falling asleep next to each other with a couple of hot bottoms is the best ending to a day.

Thanks Michael

For Openers

Panties Headed South

That’s what happens to me when there is a bare bottom around. This is Stan and Daria – 1991

Dallas Does His Thing

The Third Lick Got Her Attention

I know lets get a room, you take a paddle, I will get on all fours and you paddle my bottom.

That’s all folks

I got home from the hospital yesterday afternoon after five days of antibiotics. I am on oxygen. Yeah, both a potable tank and a generator. I have pneumonia with a splash of Covid. I will be taking antibiotics orally for next week.

My already impaired balance is worse. More PT may help. You would laugh at me doing the drunk walk. [Which my PT says to never to do a field sobriety test]

Covid is no joke.  I have not been out much to be exposed, but Bacall has been around two that were infected.

Have to say the nurses were all cheerful. That really helped.

And thanks for all the Good Wishes.

I will try to push a few images on the page. How about a few FM images this morning?

When I first saw this one,I thought she was unbuckling a guys pants. Reaching around with practiced fingers and undoing my belt is hot for me.

Another time, another belt. [The rare time I post a captioned image]

Fetish wear is turn-off for me, but look at her eyes.

For wooden spoon lovers

She looks mad. A snarl. I could do without that.

I like the pastel colors in this one. It reminds me of the condo decor of that Alabama Gulf Coast of the 90’s.

Many thanks for the several dozen Get Well notes. I would like to acknowledge all, but that is not in the cards.
One loyal reader sent a note along with the photo. Bacall being female locked onto her Swede shoes matching her hose.
Sorry the ‘f*ckin leukemia’ is being a jerk again. Hopefully that will subside soon and your energy will return to more enjoyable levels.
Until then, since you’re spending all that time in bed anyways? Thought I’d send you some extra company to spend it with… enjoy.
It turned out the Leukemia is not the cause. In fact my blood counts have improved for the third month without treatment. But I am getting ahead of the story.
While waiting the see the doc I was feeling increasing faint. I asked to lay down and as soon as I did I blacked out, had muscle spasms, my eyes rolled back and I vomited the once of fruit drink I had.
I woke up to see seven white lab coats looking distressed. They did an EKG and it was abnormal. They called the paramedics and soon they were seven broad chested guys dressed in black on black with steely expressions. Expressions that told me nothing about what they were thinking. They were all combat medics. They has seen mangled bodies, patched up battle wounds, and comforted a soldier in his last minutes.
Guessing it could be my heart they took me an ER in town.
The ER doc I had was a crusty old bird who knew her shit. She ran a half dozen tests came up dry. This left sleep apea. I have not worked up rested in over a year. Maybe time to tweak the settings on the machine?

My Leukemia has been behaving itself for almost two years. I fell into a hole last Wednesday. I just want to sleep. I get up for an hour, then back to bed for two hours. No appetite. I will try to see the doctor this week.

This means I will not be posting.

One of the great Southern Rock bands performing their classic, Freebird, in 1977 in Oakland.

Early on, their manager put them in a small Georgia town, Macon, a place with few distractions to work on their act. He arranged for a meat and three restaurant within walking distance from their house to feed them three squares a day.

The keyboardist, Billy Powell, had been a roadie with the band for two years. During a break at one event, Powell sat down at a piano and played a song. When the band realized their roadie’s ability, he was offered the position of keyboardist.

Notice the fresh faced Little Darlings at the fence line. How long do you imagine the band would stay alive if they were dropped into their midst?

The strangest spanking I ever saw was at a Sunday night youth group. There were about 14 of us. Coed. We met in the basement of the church. There was 30 minutes of moral instruction, during which time you were to be still and quiet. If you weren’t the boy who could do no wrong would paddle you. I was like a statue.

The parents of one of the girls were the group leaders/chaperones. Their daughter was a 9.

One night the daughter committed some trivial sin during the program. After we broke up, I went down the hall. I passed by an open door and saw the girl being hit with a belt by the boy who could do no wrong. She was wearing a crinoline slip and her Mother was holding out of the way so the boy could belt her. Her Dad was watching.

How could parents allow this, even encourage it. I imagine she was punished at home with regularity and became submissive to allow this to happen to her.

Why did to go to this Sunday night group, you ask? Well, after the program (and spankings) we went somewhere for fun. We all had cars, but we could only ride in cars with designated drivers. (I sure was not a designated driver as they figured I would never arrive at the destination with my cargo. They would have been right about that)

There were always one or two more in each car than there was seating. I would sit in the back and one of the young ladies would sit in my lap and give me a “lap dance”, along with allowing some fondling.


Last year I re-homed most of our toys for cost of postage. This is from one of the recipients. Regrettably, most did not respond to my request for how are the toys finding life in their new homes.
The “paddles & such” you sent were used a lot last year as my girlfriend at that time really enjoyed this type of activity. Unfortunately, since last December they haven’t been in use as we parted ways. I’m a dyed-in-the-wool conservative and she is very liberal, so it was bound to end eventually I suppose. It’s like the old Eagles song “Life in the Fast Lane” where it goes… “They had one thing in common, they were good in bed, she said faster, faster, the lights are turning red.”
I included a photo of the leather strap she liked by far the best. [It was the first leather toy I made] The wrist and ankle cuffs were also very popular as well. The strap was light enough that it could be used for a long while on her, bringing her to multiple orgasms. The others were also used, just not as often. I had hoped to get some before and after photos of her, but sadly did not. Next time, I will get some pics and send them to you.
Thank you,
Arizona Dave
Thanks Dave