Panties Headed South

Two Men

Now It’s Your Turn

Ever Wonder Why the Cane is Always Bent in Pictures?

Does She Get Your Heart Racing?

Is the Paddle for You or Her?

That’s A Thuddy Paddle and This Was Not the First Time She Felt It

I have written about the sometimes extensive correspondence I had with some potential spanking partners. We both understood in detail how our meeting would unfold. The part I never knew beforehand was how she would dress.

Women put a lot of thought into such. I appreciated it.

No reason at all for her to do this, but to show how she was dressed to be spanked.

This young lady went full school girl for our first meeting. Bacall and I went to her home. She said her husband was on board with me spanking her. But he silently blew a gasket when he saw how she was dressed. Bacall took him for a walk while I attended to her. Divorce followed soon after.

She knows the routine.

Pick Your Spanker is over. It was time-consuming for me. I might do a single poll in the future, but no more multi-day polls.

I don’t know how I let the picture of the winner into the mix. It was not the type that I usually post. That tells me that a third of you don’t care all that much for the usual fare here.

However, She did not win by a large margin.

The four who voted more than once should expect a knock on your door.

Votes from around the world.

Now back to the usual.

Grad student school girl

You will be voting for top vote getters of the first three rounds

Round 1 – 155 voting

Spanker 2 – 32 votes

Spanker 3 – 25 votes

Round 2 – 90 voting

Spanker 20 – 20 votes

Round 3 – 124 voting

Spanker 22 – 51 votes

So here we go, final round

Spanker 2

Spanker 3

Spanker 20

Spanker 22

Vote Here

See how your pick faired

Tally of Round 1

Tally of Round 2

Tally of Round 3

I really like doing no theme posts.

You have heard of being as busy as a bee.

The second discussion on spending. Not punishment, just getting her attention.

You may recall the scene in Animal House where a gal gives a handjob wearing gloves. Bacall thought that was hilarious. I don’t get it, but it’s a thing in porn.

How would feel if your date measured and recorded you?

This one made me think of Out past the cornfields where the woods got heavy Out in the back seat of my ’60 Chevy

Classic switching. Hold one arm, she twists, she turns, she twirls. The switch lands somewhere.

A reader said they used the laundry room for privacy. That was a new room to me. Now I see washing machines everywhere.

Where you wanted to be boss: Thinking to herself Well it’s the end of the day. So I guess I’ll get these off. Lock the office door and after setting them on my bosss desk, it will be time to get across his lap for being late once again.

I leave you with a guy dressed as Godzilla. I would not be able to stop laughing either. Some men are totally wacked.

I don’t have a picture post ready for today. Sorry. I will close voting on Pick Your Spanker this afternoon.

Still recovering from Covid, I have had too much daydream time the last week. Back in the very first days of the net, specifically ARPANET, there were Use Nets. They were typically hosted at universities but provided worldwide communications for all sorts of content, including between spanking enthusiasts.

There seemed to be more women users, but women are more verbose and they had taken taken typing. Factual and fictional stories blossomed. I learned that that men and women shared vast territory about spanking.

One story of not great content escaped my deep thoughts. It was set in a boys boarding school. Middle to high school age. Can you imagine that paddling was the customary punishment? With a twist, the school administrator would make the boys don thongs. If the younger boys exhibited any signs of tenting, she would have them sit between her legs and massage them until their eyes rolled back in their heads. The older boys were given a few encouragement licks and allowed to rub one out themselves under supervision before getting paddled.

The author asked me if I thought she went too far. At that time, I did not think so.

Would you consider being paddled if an orgasm was required before the paddling?

Leaving the Pick Your Spanker poll open until sunset today allows time for all to cast their ballot.

The second edition of some correspondence from a dear friend. In most cases, she is responding to something I wrote. I can work out what I wrote. I hope you can also.

Thank you kind sir, but I know my rear end is definitely more fleshy and padded than 20 years ago, but I can live with it.  I’ve found the best way to respond to those who think we should all look like 18 year olds is a simple “Look in the mirror, Jerk!”  They never know how to accept their own short comings.

New Orleans is an old city and there’s lots to see and explore, but some of the areas you don’t even want to get out of your car and walk its so filthy. I always wanted to go there during Mardi Gras, but after seeing Bourbon St. in the light of day, I don’t think I’d want to be there after dark!     We’ve never been to Lafayette, that will have to go on our next trip west. We’ve spent different times around Gulfport and Bay St. Louis MS, but not much in Louisiana.

I got switched as a kid too and those aren’t the best memories, but every once in awhile there is an itch to feel it across my bare backside again. Its very stingy and intense, but it doesn’t leave a lot of lasting marks. I have never been caned, but its on my bucket list to one day get an actual caning. When I see the marks its leaves in photos it scares the hell out of me, but I still want to try it. When my husband and I play its very sexual and not disciplinary. He spanks me, but there’s a lot more ‘touchy/feely’ stuff going on than actual spanking. I’m sure you and Bacall play the same way at times.

Hi,    OK, catch up time again!   Really, there is a book called Cooking In The Nude? Maybe I’ll have to find a copy, it would make fixing dinner a lot more fun!  LOL  Hot grease is frying, but anything hot is not so good if you’re nude. Way too many sensitive parts out there with out any covering.    There are as many recipes for gumbo as there are people making it. Its all in the individual’s taste what they put in it. Roux will thicken and add a little flavor, but just adding a bit of flour will thicken most soups and stews just as well. We like a combination of flavors so we use a lot of everything, sausage, shrimp, oysters, crab, and chicken. Instead of all rice we’ll mix it up half and half with Barley. It adds a little more substance to it and give it a sort of nutty flavor, but its very deceptive. Try Italian sausage, or Hot Italian if you like it spicier.    

He was a jerk, and no girl deserves to be raped, but I deserved to have my butt whipped for putting myself in that situation. It could have been a lot worse.    

I think everyone has an aversion to exercise, but we force ourselves for health and reasons of vanity. I think it would work if you consider that Bacall could make a woman stop smoking, then a good, sound spanking should motivate others to exercise and lose weight, or break other bad habits. It might take a few more paddlings, but after awhile the consequences would be a worse alternative.      

I don’t know how men think, but for adult women, I would say over 90% of our spankings are purposely brought on. We won’t admit we want a ‘damn good spanking’ so we’ll tease or misbehave until we get it. I was like that when I was younger, I thought there had to be a reason. Now I’m more comfortable just telling my mentors I need to be spanked. I don’t need to act out, or role play to be satisfied, just put me over a knee and spank me until I’m bawling. Its emotional, but its also very sexual. 

I’ve tried self spanking, and it doesn’t work for me. I have a rather low pain tolerance, especially to self-inflicted pain. I might get one or two nice swats in, but then I ask myself why am I doing this. I want someone else to take me past the point of tears and pleading because I know I can’t do it myself.    

No brothers or sisters, and no nieces or nephews. I think there are good and not so good aspects to being an only child, but I’m glad I have my two sisters. Yeah, there was our share of sibling rivalry when we were teens, but we’re very close as adults, and I adore my nieces and nephews, even if they can be brats at times.    

I think you may be spoiled when you look for beautiful women because you have Bacall on your arm. She’s very beautiful, and I hope you tell her that often. Besides, who says a woman has to dress up to look nice?  A pair of snug blue jeans and a plain old work shirt can look pretty good on some women, and if you spent a day in heels you’d know why we don’t wear them all the time!     

Music:  I love Dolly, not only for her music, but she has such a down home personality too. Yes, I like Juice Newton, and a lot of others so the list is long. If you listen to Quarterflash and Heart close together you can tell the difference. Rindi Ross’s voice is has just a touch of rasp and is huskier than Ann Wilson’s. Both are fantastic in my book. Good music doesn’t go out of style because its older. Elvis had a fantastic voice, and you instantly know its him singing. His voice is unique and nobody else sounds like him. So many singers have died young, it makes me wonder where music would be if they had lived. Buddy Holly, Richie Valenz, Jim Morrison, Janice Joplin, Jimmi Hendrix.  They would have rewritten the music history book.    Have a great week,    Beth

Bogey,    I won’t argue about college girls with you because I’m kind of the same way in that I couldn’t see myself sexually involved with a man still in college. I just know from my own experience in the discipline aspect, college girls by and large need real spankings far more than women my age.    

In regards to ‘letting go’, I think its less a sense of sexual vulnerability with another woman than trying to prove anything. If I’m getting a real spanking I’m going to cry and struggle because it hurts. I make no attempt to grit my teeth and stoically take it, that’s not my natural instinct.    

Slower paddlings are definitely more erotic and sexual, but that’s maybe why they don’t ‘feel’ disciplinary to me. I grew up with the short, furious hairbrush smacking my bare bottom when I was naughty so its sort of ingrained that’s how punishment is dished out.    You can’t have a memory of something if you didn’t see it.  Maybe if you ask them nice, they’ll do an encore performance for you.  LOL  The fast and furious spankings seldom last as long as the slower and more deliberate ones, but the effect is so much more overwhelming because of its suddenness. A woman doesn’t have a chance to catch her breath and process the pain of each swat. They’re just continuous and quickly seem unbearable and unending, so we give up and just bawl because there’s nothing else we can do. And for being at ease, I’m not sure I ever feel that way if I know a spanking is going to be disciplinary. I’m going to be nervous and apprehensive no matter who is putting me over their knee, but then naughty girls are supposed to have a healthy fear of bare-bottom discipline. That’s part of what makes it so damn intriguing and erotic. LOL    You and Bacall have a wonderful week!  Question: Who gets the remote when you’re dining out?       Beth

Have you got something against college girls?  Do you think its because you view spankings with a sexual aspect, and not disciplinary?  Most men seem to like the idea from their comments to Skylar and St J Girl, but one man said it would feel like spanking his granddaughter. He didn’t elaborate, but it seemed the sexual aspect was part of it.

How have I picked boyfriends?  I will admit their physical looks usually gets them a second glance, but until I meet and get to know them, looks alone wouldn’t get them a date. Sorry, I couldn’t date a ‘big gorgeous hunk’ just because he looked great. We have to have common interests and thoughts, and he has to be intelligent enough to carry on an interesting conversation. I don’t know if I would ‘let go’ more easily with a woman, I haven’t had enough experience to make that call. If I know her fairly well, then I feel more comfortable over a woman’s knee, but its more to do with feeling as if we’re equals and not submissive to a male. Most of it for me is just my comfort level. I have no problem letting go with my mentors because I trust them, so I can let the whole emotional aspect take over. It may be because of how you spank also. Its much more difficult not to let go if a spanking is fast and furious because it overwhelms the senses so much faster. Everyone is different and has their own agenda when spanking, or being spanked so you can’t pigeonhole everyone in groups. BTW, that must have been quite a paddling if Bacall cured her of smoking with one spanking!  Hmmm, maybe I wouldn’t be in a rush to have her use it on me!  LOL

Hi, Glad Bacall feels better, it sucks to be sick. I’m not a good sick person. When I feel rotten I want everyone to leave me alone so I can die in peace.  

I get by in the kitchen thanks to my mom. She made us all learn how to follow a recipe and cook the basics. My husband is actually a better chef than I am so we cook together a lot. Its more fun that way, and it can get pretty interesting if one of us feels ‘frisky’. We’ve had dinner quite a bit later than planned more than once! 

LOL I have no idea what my BMI is, and don’t care. I have a few extra pounds on, but my husband doesn’t care, I don’t stress over it, and at this point in my life I don’t give a rats ass what anyone else thinks either. Skipping lunch to shop does help the waistline, but not the healthiest way to do it. I usually keep lunch to a salad and that keeps me going until dinner.

If I’m cooking I want it done without a lot of hassle, unless my husband is there too, then I don’t care how long it takes.  What’s in your Gumbo?  If its not bolted down, it probably goes into ours. We like to make it up and leave it in the fridge for a day. It lets all the flavors mix together, then reheat and eat. Grilling is hubby’s domain, but I know how to use it if needed. Wine is our beverage of choice while on kitchen duty. I haven’t drank much since college. I learned my lesson after a couple of parties where I over indulged and got into a bad situation. I was taken advantage of and they weren’t pleasant experiences.

On the subjects of smoking, drinking, and weight loss I had a discussion once about using spankings to help people break bad habits. I can imagine the sign over the clinic door:  WE CAN CURE ANYTHING!   LOL     

My take on adult spankings:  I agree, a lot of adults get spanked, but I meant they aren’t spanked like children against their will for wrong doing. A lot of adults, myself included, sometimes use infractions as a reason to be spanked, but only because we want to feel like we’re being disciplined. A lot probably do act out fantasy scenarios, but to me it seems too childish. Forget the role play, just let me say: “Hey, I messed up. Take your belt to my bare butt so I feel better about it.”    


This is Round Three. 13 to choose from. The highest vote-getters from the three rounds will be in the final.

#21 She may not win, but she is sure to get Miss Enthusiasm.













Motel Fun She’s wearing the corset she bought for you. You have bound her arms. What’s next?

She was lovely and now is AI-enhanced.

This gal has a talent. Should have been on the Olympics

The paddle will crack loudly on her tight jeans

Nice tan line

Showing Off and Making Tan Lines

Tan Lines from the Seventies

A Walk in the Woods With Becky

I could have died right after spanking Kat

Notice: When you order two they will be shipped packaged this way.

I aM sucker for a see-through blouse

A reader sent this link. You only need to watch from about 50 seconds to 1:40.

The answer was obvious to me. The reader said he would not have been able to say spanking on TV. So he would have lost the game.

Here how I see it. Spanko’s wh0 have to have punishment with spanking are forever ashamed of wanting to be spanked.

Those of us who see spanking as fun are open about it and not ashamed.

I was punished with paddlings in school in every grade except one. It would seem I would have landed in the punishment camp. Nope. At 15 I started spanking girls for our mutual enjoyment.

Our spanking group was composed exclusively of fun people. I guess our requirement of writing and explaining what you expected from the group put you in the fun group.